Sciatica Sufferers

Sciatica is the pain that runs along the sciatic nerve, which is from your back down your buttock and legs. The sciatic nerve is considered to be the longest nerve.

Sciatica pain does not affect everyone the same way, some individuals may experience constant and unbearable sciatica pain. While others may have infrequent and annoying pain that progressively gets worse. The type of pain experienced may be a mild ache or burning feeling, occasionally it may feel like a sharp, shooting pain.

Sciatica symptoms consist of:

Buttocks, leg and low back pain that ranges from mild to severe

Muscle weakness throughout your legs and feet

Difficulty standing and walking

Sudden movements that cause increasing pain

Even though a bulging disc is the most frequent reason for sciatic pain, there are other problems that cause sciatica.
Tom Smith had a real bad sciatic problem. He said, “In order to keep the sciatic problem away I try to keep my spine as straight as possible. The True Back really does that real well.”

True Back provides traction and decompression therapy to help release the pressure away from pinched nerves.

PLEASE NOTE: This device is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care nor is this a medical device suitable for all people.
* As with any new product, always consult your medical practitioner, especially if you have pre – existing conditions.
* All instructions should be read carefully before using this device.