True Back has an enduring effect unlike some other devices such as hot and cold packs. The True Back gently stretches and massages the muscles in the back along the spine.
More than 30 percent of golfers have issues related to lower back pain that has affected their ability to enjoy the game of golf.
Terry Matson went to every kind of doctor there was from a Chiropractor, to a spine clinic, to a physical therapist on a stretching machine. She tried everything and nothing could help her.
One day her friend Mel saw she was in a lot of pain and brought over his True Back. She said, “I laid on it for about seven minutes each way. When I got up I had NO PAIN…I went out and played 18 holes of golf. I felt perfect!
PLEASE NOTE: This device is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care nor is this a medical device suitable for all people.
* As with any new product, always consult your medical practitioner, especially if you have pre – existing conditions.
* All instructions should be read carefully before using this device.